The mission of Shiner Pure Love is to teach and promote chastity. Knowing God's plan for our sexuality and living it out is the only way to true happiness. We are all called to live a chaste life.
Shiner Pure Love began in the year 2000 when 17 young men and women from SS Cyril & Methodius' sophomore CCD class went to the church and knelt before the Blessed Sacrament and made the pure love promise. They promised to live chaste lives and abstain from having sex until marriage. The next year another group did the same.
Since those first years, Shiner Pure Love now holds a formal ceremony. The ceremony takes place in our Church every year in April when young men and women (ages 15-16) make the pure love promise before God, their parents, and our parish priest. They seal their commitment by signing the pledge card and their parents give them a ring as a sign of the promise they made.
More than 500 young men and women have now made this promise and the number keeps growing...
Chastity is a moral virtue. It is also a gift from God, a grace, a fruit of spiritual effort. The Holy Spirit enables one whom the water of Baptism has regenerated to imitate the purity of Christ. (CCC 2345).
The virtue of chastity applies to a person's sexuality. To be chaste means to be pure in both mind and body. For those who are not married in holy matrimony it also means not having sex.
Chastity is a lifestyle that brings freedom, respect, and peace. It frees a person from the selfish attitude of using others, making you capable of true love.

It will not be easy if you try to do it on your own. You have to pray. Ask God to help you to be pure and live a chaste life. Pray this prayer every day. Go spend time with Jesus in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Go to the sacraments of the church. Receive the Holy Eucharist, every day if you can (just remember to be in the state of grace...no mortal sin...when you receive Holy Communion). Go to confession often, at least once a month. We receive God's many graces when we receive these sacraments worthily.
Have friends who support you and are also committed to living a chaste life.

Jesus, help me to love as you do. Make me pure of body, pure of mind, and pure of heart that I might see God and enjoy his plan for me.
Make me clean, and heal me from the wounds of sin. Strengthen me each day to live the love to which you call me.
By myself, I am weak and my heart is not pure, but in you I can be strong and holy.
Mary, I want to be pure like you are. St. Joseph, I want to have your courage to guard the purity of others and myself.
Please help me in my walk with Jesus, so that I can glorify God in my body, and join you all in heaven one day.
St. Joseph, pray for us.
St. maria Goretti, pray for us.


From this day forward, regardless of the past, I promise that I will save the gift of my sexuality for marriage. I choose to glorify God with my body and seek His help to pursue a life of purity, trusting that He is never outdone in generosity.